Now also in German: NOW factsheets on EU legislation
In January 2024, NOW GmbH published three English-language factsheets relating to the EU legislation “FuelEU Maritime”, “ReFuelEU Aviation” and “Renewable Energy Directive III (RED III)”. All three factsheets are now also available in German language versions.
PtL technology platform: A glimpse into the future
With the Technology Platform Power-to-Liquid Fuels, TPP for short, the German Aerospace Center (DLR – Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt) is building a research and demonstration facility in Leuna, Saxony-Anhalt, that is unique in terms of both form and size – with funding support from the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV).
BMDV funding guideline on developing renewable fuels garners huge interest – 100 million euros in funding already approved
Today at the ‘Renewable fuels’ conference of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV), Oliver Luksic, Parliamentary State Secretary in the BMDV, presented seven funding subsidy notices as part of the ‘Development of renewable fuels funding guideline’.
Funding to reduce shipping emissions: apply now!
With the newly issued BordstromTech-II guideline for the reduction of shipping emissions in sea and inland waterway ports, the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) is extending supporting measures aimed at the market activation of alternative technologies for environmentally-friendly onboard electricity and mobile shoreside power supply of seagoing and inland waterway vessels.