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20Ergebnis (Sort by descending Date)
20Result(s) (Sort by descending Date)
PtL technology platform moves into implementation phase

DLR receives 130 million euros in funding support from the BMDV – Wissing: Milestone for climate-friendly mobility

NOW factsheets on EU legislation for renewable fuels

NOW GmbH is publishing three English-speaking factsheets on the following regulations: Fuel EUMaritime, ReFuelEU Aviation, and Renewable Energy Directive III (RED III).

Launch of the world’s first pilot plant for the cost-efficient production of green methanol

The world’s first pilot plant for the cost-efficient production of green methanol was inaugurated today at the chemical park in Leuna as part of the “Leuna100” project by Federal Minister for transport, Dr Volker Wissing.

Research ideas sought for the production of Power-To-Liquid (PtL) fuels

The German Aerospace Center (DLR – Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt) is seeking research ideas for the production of power-to-liquid (PtL) fuels. Project consortia from science and industry are invited to submit their proposals.

Wastewater treatment plant as the heart of green (renewable) fuel production

Pilot project tests the production of electricity-based e-fuels for the first time in Bottrop. The Federal Ministry of Transport is funding the project with around twelve million euros.

PtL technology platform: A glimpse into the future

With the Technology Platform Power-to-Liquid Fuels, TPP for short, the German Aerospace Center (DLR – Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt) is building a research and demonstration facility in Leuna, Saxony-Anhalt, that is unique in terms of both form and size – with funding support from the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV).

Sustainable electricity-based fuels for aviation: Launch of new website provides information on PtL fuels and answers key questions on production and political support.

Large-scale test facility at TU Freiberg supplies 15,000 litres of synthetic fuel

The DeCarTrans project is further developing a process for producing synthetic fuel from methanol for the transport sector.

Electricity-based fuels: The DLR selects Leuna as location for PtL technology platform

Research and development of technologies for the production of power-based fuels on an industrial scale will be pursued at the Leuna research facility in the German state of Saxony-Anhalt. The Leuna Chemical Park (Chemiepark Leuna) was selected as the winning site in a multi-stage selection process. Electricity-based fuels are an important pillar for making mobility more climate and environmentally friendly, especially for aviation and shipping.
