A climate-neutral society is the goal. Innovative technologies and concepts are the way forward. We are working on this together as a team across programs and technologies on behalf of the German federal government. We evaluate, advise and steer. We promote and translate our knowledge at the interface of politics, industry and research. Commitment, sustainability and appreciation characterize our collaboration.
What We Do
We are working for the future of emission-free technologies in an integrated energy system. As a federally-owned company, we take assignments in the area of sustainable mobility and energy supply from so-called top-level federal authorities, i.e. federal ministries. These assignments mostly consist of the implementation and coordination of funding programmes. We are also tasked with accompanying strategic stakeholder processes, organising international collaborations, and we are active in advancing acceptance of alternative technologies in society.
The founding mission of NOW is the National Innovation Programme for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (NIP). To this day NOW has hydrogen and fuel cell technology in its name.
NOW’s task portfolio has vastly expanded since its establishment in 2008. Not least because of increasing societal and political importance of clean, efficient mobility based on renewable energies. In terms of technology, NOW’s tasks today include the areas of hydrogen, fuel cells, batteries and liquid gas, both in terms of drives and fuels, as well as the infrastructure side.
How We Work
Our topics are important to us. We work in a committed, sustainable way and look for creative solutions, sometimes alone, sometimes in a team. Consulting, networking, managing and evaluating, gathering and disseminating knowledge is our daily business. Each of us has his or her own expertise and assumes responsibility – we can rely on this in our daily work together. And this is what all those with whom we work, the public sector, industry and science, trust.
Who We Are
NOW GmbH is a competent consultant, a passionate networker, a committed supporter. We are a large team of experts in a wide variety of fields.
The NOW team includes currently around 200 experts from the fields of engineering technology (including environmental technology, automotive and mechanical engineering, economics), geography, business administration, political, social and communication sciences. Together, we use our expertise to ensure the efficient implementation of federal funding programs in the field of sustainable mobility and energy supply, advise policymakers and maintain appropriate networks in industry, municipalities, municipal companies, associations, politics and science – both nationally and internationally.
In addition to a wealth of experience in the coordination and strategic design of federal funding programs, our program teams have in-depth technical knowledge and expertise in evaluating technology potentials and trends in general, as well as specific project ideas and funding applications in particular. The expertise of NOW and its staff is in high demand; we give 150 to 200 presentations per year in Germany, Europe and worldwide.