Regional hydrogen projects: HyExperts guide provides practical knowledge
With the publishing of the new guide: ‘HyExperts – successfully developing regional hydrogen projects’, NOW GmbH provides municipal authorities, companies and regions valuable support in developing a regional hydrogen economy on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV).

HyExperts project partners present an overview and highlight regional potential in south-east Lower Saxony
Which stakeholders are active in the field of hydrogen in south-east Lower Saxony? How do they work together? And where do the region’s cities and districts stand when it comes to dealing with this key technology and the associated challenges? Answers to these and other questions were provided this week at the final event of the HyExperts “Hydrogen Region South-East Lower Saxony” funding project.

Innovative approaches towards sustainable mobility: HyExpert Passau on the way forward
The district of Passau is proud to present the results of the HyExperts feasibility study on the development of a hydrogen region. The 100-page study was presented to around 90 representatives from business and politics and highlights the region’s enormous potential as a pioneer in hydrogen technology.

HyExpert: Concluding conference of the Hydrogen Region Wartburg – Hainich
With more than 90 attendees, including representatives from industry and business, politics and local government as well as energy suppliers, the first step towards the development of a “Hydrogen Region Wartburg – Hainich” was celebrated at a concluding conference.

HyStarter Soest District project presents results
The results of the HyStarter project have now been presented to around 100 guests at the Soest town hall. Almost 30 stakeholders participated in the project, culminating in a joint 2030 vision for the ramp-up of the hydrogen economy in the Soest district. Climate-neutral production in industry as well as logistics and transport are at its focus.

HyExpert City of Hagen: Regional forum on hydrogen economy arouses great interest
The City of Hagen is participating in a funded project on the hydrogen economy together with various partners. The aim of the HyExpert project is to develop an implementable overall concept for a regional hydrogen economy in the Hagen area. A regional forum on the project attracted great interest.

Innovative approach to climate neutrality: HyExpert HyAllgäu*-Bodensee launches second project phase
From climate-neutral buses and trucks to shipping on Lake Constance – HyAllgäu*-Bodensee draws a positive interim conclusion at the start of the second project phase. The project network has analysed existing potentials for hydrogen applications in the Lake Constance (Bodensee) region and in the Allgäu, brought together concrete projects and pioneering ideas, and established a broad network of local companies, municipalities and other stakeholders.
Driving hydrogen forward – First “ZUsammenKUNFT H2 in Thüringen” conference
Politics, science and business met for the first time on 30 November at the “ZUsammenKUNFT H2” conference in Hörselberg-Hainich, Thuringia, to advance dialogue amongst experts and the expansion of regional cooperation in the field of hydrogen and fuel cell technology at the specialist networking event.

Securing critical infrastructure: Fuel cell cluster CPN calls for faster action
The Clean Power Net (CPN) industry network invited its members to participate in a user workshop at the Telekom Forum Bonn on Tuesday. The main focus of the members’ and experts’ meeting was the secure and climate-friendly power supply of critical infrastructure through the use of fuel cell technologies.