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97Ergebnis (Sort by descending Date)
97Result(s) (Sort by descending Date)
Wissing: Tender to be launched in September

The Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) today held an online information event on the tendering process for a nationwide fast-charging truck network tender at around 130 unmanaged rest areas as part of the market consultation.

Starting signal for the truck fast-charging network

Under the slogan ‘Power to the Road’, the Federal Minister Dr. Volker Wissing and Dr. Robert Habeck, together with the main network operators and the industry association BDEW, today officially launched the fast-charging network for trucks along federal motorways.

Hydrogen test field opened in the Port of Hamburg

The first hydrogen refuelling station has begun operation at CPL’s hydrogen test field in the HHLA Tollerort container terminal.

Cooperation between NOW and ifeu: My eRoads tool supports logistics firms

The ‘My eRoads’ online tool helps companies switch to climate-friendly commercial vehicles

District of Goslar presents electric mobility and delivery concept

Strategies for expanding more efficient and sustainable supply chain models in the ecological model region.

Electric truck from the RWTH PEM Chair successfully completes hydrogen test drive

As part of the BMDV-funded research project “SeLv”, a modular drive train for trucks has been developed. The prototype has now successfully completed a test drive.

Kick-off for the electrification of logistics at the Mercedes-Benz plant in Wörth

The electrification of plant logistics at the Mercedes-Benz facility in Wörth, Germany, is making great strides forward. The first twelve electric trucks have now been handed over to customers.

2nd BMDV conference on climate-friendly commercial vehicles opens in Berlin

Users are the focus

‘Easy charging at the depot’– Guide published on setting up truck charging infrastructure at depots

The National Centre for Charging Infrastructure under the umbrella of NOW GmbH, has today published the guide entitled: ‘Easy charging at the depot’ on the occasion of the BMDV conference on climate-friendly commercial vehicles 2023. It provides basic information on setting up charging infrastructure for heavy battery-electric commercial vehicles at depots.
