The most important questions and answers about funding for commercial vehicles, application processes and requirements under the KsNI programme are now available for download (in German) in the NOW Knowledge Finder and at
Prospective applicants wishing to seek funding for commercial vehicles, special-purpose vehicles and associated infrastructure have been able to do so since 15 June 2022 as part of the 2nd KsNI funding call. The Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport (BMDV – Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr) launched the second round of this successful funding programme to support commercial vehicles with alternative, climate-friendly drives and the associated refuelling and charging infrastructure (KsNI – Förderung von Nutzfahrzeugen mit alternativen, klimaschonenden Antrieben und dazugehöriger Tank- und Ladeinfrastruktur), as well as the special call for applications for special vehicles and infrastructure. The application deadline was recently extended to 24 August 2022.
Questions regarding the funding and the application process could already be raised in an online seminar. A recording of the seminar on the second funding call for climate-friendly commercial vehicles and infrastructure that was held on 27 June 2022 can be found on NOW‘s YouTube channel.
The newly published compilation of questions provides an overview of those that were posed, along with the corresponding answers.
Go directly to the (German language) FAQ at