In 2021, the number of electric cars in Germany more than doubled: there are currently around 1.2 million e-cars registered in Germany. 355,961 battery-electric and 325,449 plug-in electric cars were newly registered in 2021 - more e-cars than ever before. And this is in a year in which a quarter fewer cars were registered overall than in the previous year.
Who is driving electrically? The answer is private individuals and commercial owners in equal numbers. Of all the sectors, energy supply companies are the most committed to electric driving. At the beginning of 2022, the battery-electric share was around 14 per cent. If plug-in hybrids are included, this rises to as much as 25 per cent. At the water supply companies, 10 per cent of cars are purely electric.
Nevertheless at the beginning of 2022, only one in 100 privately-owned cars are fully-electric (1.3 per cent including plug-in hybrid). The rest have combustion engines.
Fuel cell cars, also counted among electrically-driven vehicles, continue in 2021 to lag considerably behind all other types of drive: 464 cars were newly registered.
An increase of 42 per cent can be seen in the truck class: in 2021 13,247 battery-electric vehicles were registered, almost double the number of those in the previous year.
More figures and data can be found HERE.