On 11 February 2020, Andreas Scheuer, Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, presented 168 so-called "future cheques" in Berlin, totalling 90 million euros from the electric mobility funding guideline. The aim: To electrify municipal vehicle fleets in order to reduce nitrogen dioxide emissions in cities.
The funding decisions that were presented enable the purchase of over 3,800 electric vehicles (more than 3,000 passenger cars, over 30 buses and up to 400 commercial vehicles) along with almost 2,000 corresponding charging facilities. An electric ferry in Kiel will also be subsidised for the first time.
With the Electric Mobility funding guideline of 5 December 2017, the BMVI provides targeted support to municipalities and companies in a municipal context. The aim of the funding programme is to support municipalities in shaping environmentally friendly mobility. In addition to the procurement of electric vehicles (particularly for high-mileage vehicles) and the corresponding charging infrastructure, the funding focuses on the promotion of electric mobility concepts and research projects.
As part of the “Clean Air 2017-2020” immediate action programme (Sofortprogramm “Saubere Luft 2017-2020”), a total of 265 million euros has been set aside for the procurement of electric vehicles and the associated charging infrastructure for municipalities with excessively high levels of nitrogen pollution. This will enable 385 projects for the purchase of almost 9,000 electric vehicles (around 8,000 passenger cars, more than 300 buses and up to 700 commercial vehicles) and a total of almost 5,000 charging points required for these vehicles.
An overview of the funded projects is available (in German) at: www.bmvi.de/SharedDocs/DE/Artikel/K/uebersicht-foerderbescheide-elektromobilitaet.html