As part of a series of online seminars, every morning from 9:30am on 9-11 November the National Centre for Charging Infrastructure team will offer insight into its work and present approaches and topics.
Monday, 9/11/2020
The National Centre for Charging Infrastructure introduces itself
A nationwide, demand-oriented and user-friendly charging infrastructure for Germany – how can this be achieved? Dagmar Fehler and Johannes Pallasch, the Centre’s management team, provide answers. They report on the status of implementation of the charging infrastructure master plan and discuss the objective of the Centre: ‘Simply charging’, as well as how it came about. They give an insight into the organisational structure and the functioning of the Centre.
Tuesday, 10/11/2020
Bedarfsplanung digital: Tools und Daten für den Ausbau der Ladeinfrastruktur
“In the future, the next fast-charging station should be reachable by electric car in ten minutes” – this is one of the goals of the National Centre for Charging Infrastructure. This requires a nationwide and demand-oriented charging infrastructure in Germany – in rural as well as urban areas. Joelle Randrianarisoa, Felix Steck and Waldemar Brost present the methods and instruments with which the Centre plans and manages the expansion of charging infrastructure in Germany: StandortTOOL and FlächenTOOL.
Wednesday, 11/11/2020
The Centre’s expertise on charging infrastructure
Electric mobility is a complex area. To create a reliable, user-friendly charging infrastructure, the National Centre on Charging Infrastructure focusses on both technical requirements as well as regulation on the operation of public charging stations. Sebastian Lahmann, Lars Jacobsen and Dominique Sévin talk about technical and regulatory developments, for example in the areas of a standardised payment system, roaming, calibration, the residential property modernisation act (WeMOG) or the electric mobility infrastructure for buildings act (GEIG). They also outline what future challenges are on the horizon for charging infrastructure, for example when heavier commercial vehicles become electric.
Thursday, 12/11/2020
Think-tank centre: Taking a closer look at charging infrastructure
The National Centre for Charging Infrastructure sees itself as a think-tank for all aspects of charging infrastructure: it collects and analyses data on the construction and operation of public charging points. A special focus is on the charging points funded by the federal programme for charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, where for example, the capacity utilization, costs for the construction and operation and charging fees for ad hoc charging will be examined by the Centre. The data will be collected via the OBELIS online platform developed by the Centre itself as part of its reporting on subsidised charging points that have been already installed. Franziska Lobas-Funck and Laura Prawatky report on the latest issues and focus topics, projects and data sources in the ‘Monitoring and analysis’ area of the National Centre and provide an outlook on future results.
Friday 13/11/2020
Federal, state and local government: The Centre as a hub for charging infrastructure
It is only together with the key players from the Electric Mobility Report can the National Centre for Charging Infrastructure successfully implement its objectives. Using various formats, the Centre facilitates an exchange between federal, state and municipal levels. Lisa Mildenberger and Conrad Hammer report on the findings they gained in an initial series of workshops with representatives from states and local authorities and explain the next steps for implementing a networking, training and knowledge programme for electric mobility managers for charging infrastructure. They present a legislative map for charging infrastructure in the federal-state context as well as an outlook for the further development of the legislative framework.
General Information
Participation is free. Documentation on the online seminar will be made available afterwards.