With the authorisation guide for hydrogen refuelling stations (HRS), NOW GmbH is providing information about the authorization process. It was published in cooperation with relevant authorities and industry partners.
At the core of the brochure is the authorization guide according to approval procedure § 18 BetrSichV (Industrial Safety Regulation). It summarises in-depth information as well as best practice experiences. In addition the guide contains checklists of standard documents and certificates, information about relevant actors as well as the authorization process as sample diagram. The publication is not a set of rules, but is intended to support approval procedures for hydrogen refuelling stations and provide orientation.
The guide is primarily aimed at investors, station operators as well as authorities and monitoring organisations. It also is intended to support investors, builders and operators of HRS as well as regional and local authorities with the approval processes. Here technical, safety-related and approval-related points are taken into consideration.
HRS for road vehicles are covered and take into account publicly accessible stations with a maximum H2 storage volume of less than three tonnes. The regulatory requirements for the further operation of HRS delivery vehicles are not listed in the guide. The filling procedure for HRS low-pressure tanks is also not part of the brochure.
The current national regulations for the Federal Republic of Germany were taken into account for the guide. Different regulations of the individual federal states (Bundesländer) within Germany are not addressed.
Download authorization guide (PDF, in German)