The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) supports the development of practical implementation aids for bus operators and manufacturers using innovative drives in road public transport within the scope of accompanying research for the Electric Mobility funding guideline in the field of innovative drives and vehicles.

The main topics are, on the one hand, the recording and evaluation of operating data of the electric buses supported, and on the other hand, the objective comparison of the different drive types (battery, hydrogen and trolley buses). In addition, a guide to buses with alternative drives and an interactive decision support tool will make it easier for bus operators to switch to electric buses.

In addition to the accompanying research that has been put out to tender, an inter-ministerial working group (“Innovative Drives Bus”) of the BMVI and the Federal Environment Ministry already exists, which serves as a platform for dialogue with the actors and for the dissemination of the results.

More information available from 4 June 2018 at: