The NOW GmbH National Organisation Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology has presented its Annual Report for 2017 at the Hannover Messe Industrie.
The annual report contains information on all funded projects that were completed and approved in the year under review including the projects from the programmes coordinated by NOW. Besides the National Innovation Programme Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (NIP) and the Electric Mobility Funding Programme, the following two programmes are also included since 2017: the Funding Guideline Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles and the implementation of the Federal Government’s Mobility and Fuels Strategy (MKS – Mobilitäts- und Kraftstoffstrategie) including the LNG as a Marine Fuel funding programme.
Other topics covered include the expansion of international cooperation, the work of NOW at the interface of politics, industry and science as well as the numerous publicity measures to improve the general perception of climate protection technologies and their perspectives for the future.
The NOW Annual Report can be downloaded here immediately. A printed version is also available upon request.