As of now the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) is funding fuel cell systems for independent energy supply of critical or off-grid infrastructures. Applications can be made until 31 May 2018.
Equipment in the power class up to 20 kW will be funded for digital radio of security authorities and organisations as well as for traffic-control systems. The funding rate is a maximum of 40 per cent of the added investment costs compared to conventional technology. The funding call has a budget of 5 million euro. Thus approx. 500 to 600 fuel cell-based emergency power units could potentially be subsidised.
The funding call is part of the National Innovation Programme for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (2016-2026) – NIP 2 for short – in the framework of the market activation guideline. The BMVI is allocating a total of 250 million euro to this funding guideline as well as to the research, development and innovation guideline.
The funding call (German only) is available as of now on the NOW homepage.
Applications may be submitted through the easy-Online Portal.