The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI – Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur) is now supporting fuel cell-powered material handling vehicles in fleet applications. Applications may be submitted until 31 July 2019. A total funding volume of 4.2 million euros is available.
Besides the funding support for vehicles, funding is also available for the necessary refuelling infrastructure as well as for the installation of electrolysers to produce the hydrogen required to operate the vehicles, on-site. The funding is in the form of additional cost funding of up to 40 percent compared with the reference technology. For small and medium-sized enterprises, there is the possibility of an SME bonus of 20 or 10 percent, respectively, if the project cannot be otherwise accomplished.
The call for funding is part of the National Innovation Programme Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (2016-2026) – NIP 2 for short – and is conducted within the framework of the Market Activation Funding Directive. Until 2019, the BMVI will provide a total of 250 million euros for this funding guideline and the funding guideline for research, development and innovation.
The call for funding is now available on the NOW homepage.
Applications can be submitted via the easy-Online Portal.