With four new online data products, the National Centre for Charging Infrastructure now provides information on the current utilisation of charging points, the expansion of the publicly accessible charging infrastructure, the charging processes that have been conducted and much more. The goal: sharing knowledge, achieving transparency.

The National Centre for Charging Infrastructure has today published four new online data products on the topic of charging and charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in Germany:

  • The “Live-Auslastungsmonitor” (“Live Utilisation Monitor”) shows the number and proportion of public charging points currently in use throughout Germany in real time
  • The monthly “ö-LIS-Report” (“Public Charging Infrastructure Report”) reports on the expansion and number of installed charging points of the publicly accessible charging infrastructure in Germany
  • The “Laden in Deutschland” (“Charging in Germany”) dashboard shows how many charging processes are actually performed each month at the publicly accessible charging points and how reliably the charging infrastructure is functioning
  • The “LIS-Fördermonitor” (“Charging Infrastructure Funding Monitor”) provides a detailed breakdown of data on the federal government’s funding of charging infrastructure

With the ö-LIS report and the three dashboards, the Centre for Charging Infrastructure provides the public with a comprehensive and continuously updated data package. The live dashboard as well as the “Laden in Deutschland” (“Charging in Germany”) dashboard were both developed in cooperation with the public charging platforms Charging Radar and Moovility.


Kurt-Christoph von Knobelsdorff, CEO (Spokesperson) of NOW-GmbH: “With our four new data products, we are creating a unique offer for the public. Thanks to the clearly presented data, it is possible to understand how we are progressing in the expansion of the charging infrastructure in Germany. I am particularly pleased that we are providing more transparency and knowledge on the subject of charging infrastructure, in this way.”

Dr Franziska Lobas-Funck, Head of the Understanding Team at the National Centre for Charging Infrastructure: “The Centre has a wealth of data on the planned and already established charging infrastructure. We have now extracted part of it and made it available to the public on our website in a clearly structured and compiled form. With the new visuals and dashboards, we are seeking to help ensure that those involved in the market, but also those in politics, the media and, last but not least, motorists, have comprehensive information available to them on the charging infrastructure in Germany.”


Live Utilisation Monitor
A general overview of the occupancy of public charging points in Germany is provided by the live utilisation monitor on the website of the Centre for Charging Infrastructure. Users can see at a glance how many of the more than 75,000 public and semi-public charging points are currently occupied according to Charging Radar and Moovility, and what percentage this represents of the total charging infrastructure in Germany. Updates are performed every five minutes, i.e., virtually in real time.

ö-LIS Report
With immediate effect, the National Centre for Charging Infrastructure will publish a monthly report on the public charging infrastructure, the “ö-LIS-Report” (“Public Charging Infrastructure Report”). It provides an overview of the current status and development of the public charging infrastructure in Germany. The report analyses the performance categories, e.g., normal and fast charging, the installed charging capacity, the expansion over time and the distribution of public charging points across the federal states. The data basis is the charging point register of the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA – Bundesnetzagentur) as well as the number of public charging points reported to the BNetzA.

“Charging in Germany” dashboard
The “Charging in Germany” dashboard provides an overview of the actual use of public charging infrastructure. This dashboard shows the total number of charging processes over the last 12 months as well as the development in comparison to the same month of the previous year. The dashboard also shows the proportion of successful charging attempts and the average technical availability of the German charging infrastructure.

The “Charging Infrastructure Funding Monitor” (“LIS-Fördermonitor”): Dashboard on the funding of charging infrastructure by the German government
This dashboard provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the charging infrastructure funded by the federal government in Germany. Data from all relevant federal funding programmes are summarised and their development over time as well as their distribution among the individual federal states is shown. It is also possible to filter the dashboard according to individual funding programmes and specific ministries. The figures and illustrations are updated quarterly for this purpose. The data is collected, in part, on the basis of the reporting obligation that is tied to the receipt of funding for charging points within the scope of certain funding programmes.

All dashboards can be found at: www.nationale-leitstelle.de/verstehen


About the National Centre for Charging Infrastructure
On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport (BMDV – Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr) and under the umbrella of the federally owned NOW GmbH, the National Centre for Charging Infrastructure (Nationale Leitstelle Ladeinfrastruktur) has been coordinating and planning the activities for the expansion of the charging infrastructure in Germany since 2020. The centre supports the implementation and promotion of charging infrastructure. It collects relevant data, connects all important stakeholders and shares its knowledge in order to achieve a better understanding of charging infrastructure demands. For this purpose, it develops unique digital resources such as the StandortTOOL (location planning), the FlächenTOOL (site selection) and the LadeLernTOOL (learning platform). The goal is to achieve a nationwide and needs-based charging infrastructure for the whole of Germany. The user is always the focus of the activities.