“An important step on the road toward high-performance charging infrastructure throughout Germany.”
Berlin, 11.2.2021 – The “Provision of Nationwide Fast Charging Infrastructure for Pure Battery Electric Vehicles Act” (“Gesetz zur Bereitstellung flächendeckender Schnellladeinfrastruktur für reine Batterieelektrofahrzeuge”), or Fast-Charging Law for short (SchnellLG, “Schnellladegesetz”), has been passed by the German federal cabinet. With this law, the federal government is establishing the legal basis for the targeted expansion of a nationwide network of fast-charging points for long-distance and medium-distance traffic in Germany.
The goal is to establish a dense fast-charging infrastructure (HPC = High-Power-Charging) that is able to meet the demands of users as e-vehicle registrations continue to rise, even at peak times such as holiday periods and at previously uneconomical locations. Providing intensive support in the creation of the law was the National Centre for Charging Infrastructure, which was commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Transport to coordinate and manage the federal government’s activities to expand the charging infrastructure in Germany, under the umbrella of NOW GmbH.
Kurt-Christoph von Knobelsdorff, Managing Director of NOW GmbH: “The passing of the Fast-Charging Act is an important step on the way to a high-performance charging infrastructure for the whole of Germany. In order that the climate targets of the federal government can be achieved, the ramp-up of e-mobility must continue at a dynamic pace. To alleviate the fears of people regarding the issue of range, we need a nationwide and convenient fast-charging infrastructure, which we will now tackle with the call for tenders for the 1,000-location programme.”
In order to ensure an efficient development of the planned fast charging network and to fill existing local gaps, a tendering process will be implemented in the future, in accordance with the new law. The procedure will involve the allocation of lots that will include locations that are both more and less heavily frequented. Contractually obligatory for the tendering parties will be the establishment and warranty of the charging points – which is in contrast to previous and existing funding programmes. Moreover, the federal government will also define the supply and quality standards at the locations of the fast-charging network and ensure their compliance.
Johannes Pallasch, Spokesperson of the Management Team of the National Centre for Charging Infrastructure: “Up until now, the federal government’s funding programmes have not led to the establishment of a nationwide fast-charging infrastructure that satisfies demand. This is because the operation of charging infrastructure in many locations does not offer a sufficiently attractive business model in the short to medium term. The Fast-Charging Law has created the basic prerequisite for the establishment of 1,000 fast charging hubs across the nation – even in places where economic operation will only be possible at some later point in time. During this initial situation, this ‘top-down’ approach is the economically sound complement to the existing ‘bottom-up’ approach through funding programmes and the industry’s own initiatives.”
The needs assessment for the planned fast charging network is conducted by the National Centre for Charging Infrastructure. With the help of mobility and charging data, details of the vehicle types and on the basis of the existing charging infrastructure, it analyses the charging requirements for medium and long-distance journeys. For this purpose, it utilises the so-called StandortTOOL digital location tool (www.standorttool.de). Based on the resulting analyses, sites are then put out to tender for the construction of fast-charging locations.
The Fast-Charging Law is to be passed by the German Bundestag and Bundesrat before the end of spring. The tender for the 1,000 sites is to commence in the summer of 2021.
Further information (in German):