The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) is providing around 20 million euros in funding for the acquisition of a total of 250 passenger cars, 1,500 StreetScooters, 200 additional commercial vehicles and two buses – including the required charging infrastructure with over 1,500 charging points.
On 10 April 2018, Andreas Scheuer, Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, presented the first four funding approvals as part of the “Saubere Luft 2017-2020” (Clean Air 2017-2020) immediate action programme. The funding approvals go to Alphabet Fuhrparkmanagement GmbH, Deutsche Post AG, Central Police Headquarters Lower Saxony and the Freiburger Verkehrs Aktiengesellschaft public transport authority.
With the “Sofortprogramm Saubere Luft 2017-2020” immediate action programme for clean air, the federal government launched a package of measures to improve air quality in cities. One billion euros has been earmarked for this purpose. The programme covers measures for the electrification of urban transport and the construction of charging infrastructure, the digitalisation of transport systems and the retrofitting of diesel buses in local public transport with exhaust aftertreatment systems. The immediate action programme is being implemented on the basis of the existing federal funding guidelines. The BMWI’s electric mobility funding guideline, which is coordinated by NOW GmbH National Organisation Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology is making a significant contribution here and was extended for another year in connection with the immediate action programme.
The immediate action programme provides support to municipal vehicle fleets, e.g. waste disposal vehicles, and local public transport, including electric buses. The procurement of electric vehicles in the taxi industry and carsharing companies is also supported. Besides municipalities, also eligible to apply are commercial enterprises, e.g. delivery services, tradespersons, social health and care services – provided the municipality confirms that the planned project is part of a municipal electric mobility concept. Approximately 430 applications for funding have been received to date as part of the immediate action programme.