Charging without cables is convenient. The same principle could also be efficiently applied to electric vehicles, and to this end, the Technical University of Braunschweig is developing charging concepts for electric vehicles in the logistics sector as well as, jointly with INTIS GmbH, an inductive charging system. Real charging data from a logistics fleet serve as a basis for the charging concepts. In this context, a fleet test with cable-based charging infrastructure is currently underway at the Berlin-based IT and logistics company Fairsenden GmbH, which was founded in 2019.
Wallboxes manufactured by Pion AG were installed at Fairsenden in the run-up to the field test. This established the connection to a backend, a central charging management system for charging points. This backend enables for example, the charging points to be remotely controlled and charging data recorded. Existing Fairsenden charging points can also be integrated in the backend. Furthermore, power meters were integrated at the grid connection of the charging infrastructure. This infrastructure will enable the charging behaviour of Fairsenden’s logistics fleet to be recorded in real operation.
Recording the power grid status
In addition to the data on charging behaviour, researchers are pursuing another goal within the field test: they want to know what the impact of using electric vehicle fleets in the logistics sector will have on the power grid. This will be facilitated by the installed power meters, which in addition to the charging data, also measure and record various grid quality data.
Results will feed into further development
The measurement data from the field test will be evaluated and flow into the development of new charging concepts. The charging behaviour that is identified this way can be used to make charging plans, in order to charge the fleet using renewable energies; data on the status of the power grid can be used for charging concepts for grid-oriented charging. Thanks to this database, the fleet can be charged with as little impact as possible on the power grid.
In the framework of the project, the charging concepts will be tested in the framework of another field test together with the inductive charging system in fleet operation at Fairsenden.
Project data:
The Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) is funding the LISA4CL project for three years with around 1.6 million euros until March 2024. As project coordinator, TU Braunschweig received over 1.3 million euros, divided between the elenia Institute for High Voltage Technology and Power Systems and the Institute for Electrical Machines, Traction and Drives (IMAB). In addition to project partner INTIS GmbH, Fairsenden, the Berlin Agency for Electromobility eMO and VW Commercial Vehicles are associated partners. NOW GmbH (National Organisation Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology) coordinates the implementation of the funding guideline. Project Management Jülich (PtJ) acts as the project management agency for this project.
Further information on the project: