Many municipalities have had a variety of different experiences of sustainable mobility. In order to make this wealth of experience accessible, three years ago the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport established the ‘National Competency Network for Sustainable Mobility’ (Nationale Kompetenznetzwerk für nachhaltige Mobilität) or NaKoMo. Information about sustainable mobility projects is assembled here, facilitating the exchange of various experiences. The city of Warstein has now joined the network.
“Sustainable mobility, from bicycle traffic to charging stations for electric cars, is a hugely important issue for us. That’s why through NaKoMo, I’ve already initiated contact with the federal ministry”, says Mayor Thomas Schöne. A series of projects is underway in the city of Warstein, such as the development of a concept for a bicycle-friendly region in cooperation with Straßen.NRW and the surrounding municipalities, support for the construction of charging pole infrastructure for e-cars and the pedestrian traffic check.
Nevertheless, there is still much to do, as the mayor underscores: “Particularly in terms of linking various kinds of transport, like for example public transport and bicycle traffic, regional coordination of municipalities, sharing concepts for rural areas or the construction of infrastructure including new distribution possibilities for existing space, I see much potential and hope that exchanging ideas and experiences will provide inspiration. The simple fact is: transport must change, and it will. We have to be open to these changes, and keep apace with them in the true sense of the term.”