The Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) is supporting the expansion of public hydrogen refuelling stations with a new call for funding as part of the National Innovation Programme for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (NIP II).

The Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) is supporting the expansion of public hydrogen refuelling stations. A call for funding will be published today. The focus of the funding is on refuelling stations for heavy commercial vehicles in road transport and achieving ambitious objectives in line with the Commission’s draft of the European regulation on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure, or AFIR, currently in trialogue negotiations.

Federal Minister Dr. Volker Wissing: “Germany is committing to ambitious targets set out in the European regulation on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure (AFIR). That’s why the BMDV is supporting the expansion of a robust and widely available alternative refuelling infrastructure. With our new call, we are creating the conditions for a basic network of publicly accessible hydrogen refuelling stations for heavy commercial vehicles in Germany. This provides a rapid funding opportunity for the infrastructure projects submitted  in the framework of IPCEI Hydrogen for example, which in turn fulfils a key requirement of the European Commission. The aim of our funding is to support the expansion of more than 100 hydrogen refuelling stations for trucks and buses through current and upcoming funding calls. To reach our climate targets we must be ambitious, use all available technologies and speed up our activities.”

The funding call is part of the National Innovation Programme for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Phase II (2016 – 2026), or NIP II, and is part of the market activation funding guideline. So far, the guideline has funded fuel cell vehicles in road transport like for example, buses, waste collection vehicles, light commercial vehicles, fleet cars (as well as the refuelling infrastructure required to operate them) and hydrogen production facilities.


Details on the funding call for the expansion of public hydrogen refuelling stations

The funding exclusively supports the construction of hydrogen refuelling stations that dispense 100 per cent renewably-produced hydrogen during operation. The funding rate is up to 80 per cent of eligible expenses. Applications may be submitted from now until 10.05.23.

The BMDV is thus continuing its support for alternative fuels infrastructure in road transport. Additional funding calls for the expansion of public hydrogen refuelling stations for commercial vehicles are planned. The next call is already scheduled for the end of 2023.

The funding programme is coordinated by NOW GmbH and implemented by Project Management Jülich (PtJ).

Information on application submission, templates, other documents required, an application checklist as well as an FAQ on the funding call can be found on the internet site of the website of the project management organisation.

All applications are to be submitted via the easy online portal.

Email queries can be sent to the following project management organisation address: ptj‐NIP‐MA@fz‐


Interested parties have the opportunity to inform themselves about the new funding call on 19/04/2023 in an online seminar provided by Project Management Jülich (PtJ) and programme company NOW GmbH. You can register here for the online seminar.

At NOW GmbH, the Hydrogen Team of the National Innovation Programme for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology is your point of contact ().

Information from NOW on all open calls for funding can be found here.