The report on the implementation of the National Strategy Framework in Germany (AFID report) was submitted by the federal government to the European Commission on time and has now been published.
The AFID report contains a systematic account of measures the federal government and federal states have taken since 2016 to support the use of alternative fuels in transport. In total 75 activities by the federal government and 105 activities by the federal states were recorded in the areas of road transport, shipping, rail and air transport.
In addition to funding programmes, legislative, coordinative and administrative measures are outlined in the report. The entire spectrum of alternative fuels is considered: electricity, hydrogen, natural gas as well as biogenic and synthetic fuels.
Furthermore the report illustrates the development of the vehicle population powered by alternative fuels in the four transport areas, as well as the associated infrastructure. Commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, NOW GmbH provided the fundamentals for the report.
Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels (Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive, AFID) calls for the adequate provision of infrastructure for the alternative fuels of electricity, hydrogen and natural gas in all EU member states.