The Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport is supporting 41 additional transport companies from all over Germany to procure buses with alternative drive systems. Parliamentary State Secretary Daniela Kluckert presented the funding notifications to company representatives today in Berlin. They represent the more than 50 transport companies thus far that are being supported in the framework of the first funding call of the ‘Guideline on funding alternative bus drives for passenger transport’ (“Richtlinie zur Förderung alternativer Antriebe von Bussen im Personenverkehr”).
Daniela Kluckert, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Digital and Transport: “Our objective is that every second city bus is climate-neutral by 2030. This is the only way to achieve our climate targets. That’s why we are supporting the transport companies in decreasing emissions in our cities and declaring zero-emission drives the new standard. I’m delighted to see the high demand for our funding and it shows that fleet operators are putting their faith in modern and sustainable buses.”
The BMDV is investing more than 1 billion euros in the procurement of around 3,000 buses and the associated charging infrastructure. That represents double the number of vehicles currently registered. The new funding commitments alone will put around 1,200 clean buses onto Germany’s streets. Another funding call is currently open.The technology-neutral ‘Guideline on funding alternative bus drives for passenger transport’ was published in 2021. It supports transport companies in converting their fleets and in procuring battery, fuel cell and battery trolley buses and biomethane-operated buses, as well as the charging infrastructure required, and in their preparation of feasibility studies.
The funding is part of the 2030 Climate Protection Programme of the federal government for the implementation of the Climate Protection Plan 2050 and the Future Package of the federal government’s economic stimulus package.The funding programme is coordinated and supported by the programme company NOW GmbH and approvals are granted through Project Management Jülich (PtJ). Funding outlines may be submitted until 15 July 2022.
Further information can be found here:
- Current funding call (website, german)
- Funding guideline (PDF, german)