Employees of the building and landscaping facility of the Bad Waldsee/Baden Württemberg city administration can now travel through the inner city and around the local city lake without producing exhaust fumes. Two new electric light commercial vehicles, which have now been officially put into operation, make this possible. The two Goupil G4 vehicles will be used for street cleaning as well as for the maintenance of parks and other public areas. They can each accommodate two people and have a maximum speed of 50 km/h.
A lithium-ion battery powers these fully electric vehicles. They have a field-tested range of up to around 80 kilometres. They can be recharged either via a household socket or using a special charging station. The two procured vehicles are each equipped with tipper platforms and grid attachments. The maximum payload is approximately 1.1 tonnes. Braked trailers with a total weight of up to 1,000 kilograms can also be attached. This means that both vehicles are well equipped for street cleaning and the maintenance of green areas, for tasks including: cleaning recycling stations, disposing of rubbish, emptying waste bins, disposing of garden refuse, performing maintenance or cleaning work or for transportation to and from construction sites.
Each vehicle costs €44,500. The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure supports the purchase of electric vehicles and has granted the city of Bad Waldsee a 75 percent subsidy amounting to €93,044 for three vehicles, in accordance with the “Local Electric Mobility” (“Elektromobilität vor Ort”) funding guideline. The third vehicle will be delivered in the coming months.