The federal government is supporting the transition to sustainable electric mobility in various departments. The Starterset Elektromobilität (electric mobility starter set) of NOW GmbH now provides an overview of all federal subsidies in this area.

A filter function on the Starterset Elektromobilität allows the website visitor to conduct a targeted search for specific funding areas such as for vehicles, infrastructure, research & development as well as concepts. All key information is briefly summarized and classified according to the subject of funding, those eligible for funding and the amount and scope of funding, to finally lead to the appropriate contact person. Further links provide additional information on corresponding state funding programmes and possible funding opportunities at a European level.

www.starterset-elektromobilitä (in German only)

The Starterset Elektromobilität is an information portal for municipalities and other players in the field of electric mobility. It is here where experiences and outcomes of the Electric Mobility funding programme, the National Innovation Programme Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (NIP), the Charging Infrastructure Promotion Programme (Förderprogramm Ladeinfrastruktur) and the Environmental Technologies Export Initiative (Exportinitiative Umwelttechnologien), come together in the shape of practical recommendations for action. The starter set supports the introduction and implementation of the subject of electric mobility in municipal structures. It provides comprehensive information and practical tips for actual implementation in public transport along with private and commercial transport as well as municipal fleets and fuel and charging infrastructure.