As part of German-Chinese cooperation on electric mobility with batteries and hydrogen fuel cell technology between the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) and the Minister of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China (MoST), a cooperation on regulations, codes and standards (RCS) on hydrogen electric mobility is to be prepared with China.
In the period between probably May 2019 until the end of April/ mid-May 2021, through the creation of a shared understanding of standardisation and regulation in the area of hydrogen and fuel cells in mobility and through the common identification of synergies and complementarities in the development of standards and regulations, a foundation will together be gradually created for the free exchange of products and components between China and Europe. This should strengthen the marketability of hydrogen and fuel cell zero emission mobility on the global market.
The activities of the current contract are to take place as part of German-Chinese cooperation on electric mobility with batteries and hydrogen fuel cell technology between the BMVI and MoST within the framework of the Sino-German Electro Mobility Innovation and Support Center [SGEC].
The contract was published in the database of the European Union for awarding public contracts (TED). Offers may be submitted immediately until 20 February 2019, 13:00. Complete supporting documents are freely available without charge at: