NOW GmbH and DIHK Service GmbH are continuing their successful cooperation in the field of international knowledge and technology transfer of green hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. The aim is to further sharpen the content of the fields of cooperation and to further develop existing activities.
The awareness of and interest in green hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and the associated environmental protection and market potential is growing rapidly worldwide. Also underscoring this growing importance is the tense geopolitical and energy-policy situation.
At this time, DIHK Service GmbH, a project company of the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK – Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag e.V.), and NOW GmbH are sending a strong signal by continuing their successful cooperation. The two organisations will continue to cooperate within the framework of the Export Initiative Environmental Technologies (EXI – Exportinitiative Umwelttechnologien) of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV – Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz).
The aim is to jointly support the project implementation of the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad for market preparation and to pave the way for lighthouse projects, which NOW GmbH accompanies within the thematic focus “green hydrogen and fuel cell technologies for off-grid and decentralised power supply” (“grüner Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellentechnologien zur netzferne und dezentralen Stromversorgung”). The activities, which have already been implemented jointly since 2020, are intended to contribute to international knowledge building and technology transfer and to enable the German environmental industry to recognise and exploit market potentials.
About EXI
The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) launched the Export Initiative Environmental Technologies (EXI – Exportinitiative Umwelttechnologien) in 2016. The associated guideline for the promotion of measures in the field of the export of green and sustainable (environmental) infrastructure is intended to facilitate the international exchange and accessibility of knowledge and the application of innovative climate protection technologies and their infrastructure. Furthermore, to achieve concrete and sustainable development, suitable capacities and supply chains are to be established locally, appropriate framework conditions are to be created and cross-project knowledge is to be gained and developed. Since 2021, projects in the field of “green hydrogen and fuel cell technologies” for off-grid and decentralised power supply can be explicitly funded via the guideline.