Under the motto “Value chain – from raw material to system” (“Wertschöpfungskette – Vom Rohstoff zum System”), the 7th Supplier Marketplace for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology brings together more than 300 stakeholders from the supplier industry for hydrogen and fuel cell technology on 31 August 2022 – both in person and online.
The event is conceived as a cross-sector forum for fostering dialogue on the potential uses of fuel cell applications and the successful expansion of the technologies. This year, the discussion will focus on the potentials and risks along the entire value chain as well as aspects concerning the supply chain and raw materials.
The marketplace is aimed at participants from the hydrogen and fuel cell technology supply industry. It offers decision-makers from marketing, sales and product development the opportunity to discuss synergies and explore business cooperation and is aimed at all market segments – from system and component manufacturing, vehicle production and infrastructure side to the manufacturing and production plant industry. Organising body of the marketplace is NOW GmbH. The event partner is the VDMA Fuel Cell Working Group.
Meta-study on the fuel cell value chain presented
With the fuel cell value chain meta-study, NOW GmbH is presenting a comprehensive cost analysis at the Supplier Marketplace in Berlin today. The aim of the study is to identify the causes of the high additional costs for current fuel cell systems. The findings: The most important factor for a sustainable reduction of production costs is the transition to large-scale production.
You can download the “Fuel Cell Value Chain: Meta-study” (in German) here: Wertschöpfungskette Brennstoffzelle: Metastudie (PDF)
Image source: Franz Josef