Charging point operators (CPOs) will in future be in a position to make their static and dynamic data as well as their ad-hoc prices available on the Mobility Data Marketplace (MDM) in a straightforward manner – GmbH and NOW GmbH have developed a service for converting e-mobility data into the European standard format DATEX II.

As part of the EU IDACS (ID and Data Collection for Sustainable fuels in Europe) project, NOW GmbH was commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport (BMDV – Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr) to bring the relevant data on charging infrastructure in Germany to the Mobility Data Marketplace (MDM). The MDM is operated by the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt – Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen) and serves as the German NAP (National Access Point): a neutral platform for companies to exchange a variety of traffic data such as timetables, congestion, road works, parking facilities – and now also charging infrastructure data.

The roaming platform comprises over 800 CPOs, of which around 450 are in Germany. It has developed software for NOW GmbH that converts location data from the OCHP and OCPI protocols into the DATEX II format. Via, CPOs can offer their data commercially on the MDM with a few clicks or support research and development of future solutions revolving around electric mobility. In addition, the data converter is made available free of charge on Github as an open source solution.

“Thanks to the collaborative work of the IDACS project and, charging infrastructure data can now be integrated even more easily into smart transport systems in the future. I am delighted that this is yet another major contribution we can make towards the promotion of digitalisation and networking,” says Moritz Dickehage, General Manager of

Kurt-Christoph von Knobelsdorff, Managing Director (Chair), of NOW GmbH: “This newly developed service is an important building block for digitally networked charging stations and for ensuring more customer-friendly and efficient electric mobility. Information that is available with regard to charging options will be even easier and more reliable to find for the steadily growing number of e-car users, even across national borders.”

The project was presented at the “IDACS: Easy sharing of charging infrastructure data” (“IDACS: Einfaches Teilen von Ladeinfrastrukturdaten”) webinar on 19.05.2022. The recording can be found here.


About GmbH, based in Aachen, Germany, provides its customers with diverse services related to roaming in the field of electric mobility. As one of the leading roaming platforms in Europe, thousands of transaction data are processed by our systems each day. As a subsidiary of SMART/LAB Innovationsgesellschaft mbH and the Dutch foundation ELaadNL, has been playing a key role in shaping electric mobility in Germany and Europe since 2014. Due to the shareholder structure, there is an explicit focus on the perspective of the energy industry. In addition to the processing of data, also offers other services such as consulting and development. Furthermore, through its continuous participation in research projects in both the national and international context, maintains its innovative character. Thanks to its many years of activity in the field of electric mobility, the roaming platform has a large, constantly growing customer base and works in cooperation with stakeholders from business and regulatory authorities to continuously improve the future technology of electric vehicles.