Customers of mobility solution providers ALD Automotive have the opportunity to avail of subsidies, including for leased vehicles, from the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI).

ALD Automotive customers can access the grants immediately and secure the attractive bonus for the immediately available Model 3 TESLA, for example. The funding applies irrespective of the manufacturer and possible for numerous models. 40% of the difference between the listed price of an electric vehicle and a comparable combustion engine vehicle is eligible for funding. The following funding conditions apply to plug-in hybrid models: the vehicle may emit a maximum of 50 g CO2/ km according to the WLTP standard, or the purely electric range must achieve a minimum of 40 km.

The BMVI premium is ideal for combining with other incentives such as the BAFA bonus, where for the first time approved electric vehicles are funded in the amount of €2,000 (for battery-electric vehicles) or €1,500 (for plug-in hybrids).

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