The joint project "ColdHyFuel - Component development for CcH2 and sLH2 refueling of heavy duty vehicles" intends to coordinate one geometry per refueling technology for the refueling of hydrogen trucks with sLH2 or CcH2-CRYOGAS.

This joint pre-normative exchange is essentially intended to ensure subsequent compatibility for sLH2 refueling components and differentiation from CcH2 refueling components.

Funding Code

Partner Start of term End of term Funding amount
Weh GmbH, Verbindungstechnik01.01.2331.12.251,129,488.00 €
ELAFLEX HIBY GmbH & Co. KG01.01.2331.12.25152,161.00 €
Cryomotive GmbH01.01.2331.12.25968,651.00 €
Rego GmbH01.01.2331.12.25751,819.00 €
30,021,190.00 €

Classification in Research and Development