The National Hydrogen Council identifies concrete reserarch and development needs for mobility with hydrogen on road and rail. The paper, which was adopted on 29 March 2023, addresses the areas of storage, transport and refuelling that are essential for hydrogen mobility. It deals with hydrogen as a fuel as well as the associated infrastructure.
Among the research and development needs in the area of storage and transport of gaseous and liquid hydrogen are the aspects regarding design and recycling. There is also a need for standardisation, further development and scaling of tanks as well as tank systems.
The paper also addresses the potential of hydrogen hubs that are being planned together for several modes of transport. In terms of on-board technology and tank infrastructure, cooperation between heavy goods vehicles and rail should be initiated. In rail transport, mobile refuelling station concepts and on-site hydrogen production from overhead lines should be tested in addition to the connection to hydrogen hubs in order for the infrastructure to be built up quickly.
In the areas of storage, transport and refuelling mentioned above, there is a growing need for standardisation as well as a necessity to clarify certification and approval criteria.
The National Hydrogen Council paper on research and development needs for storage, transport and refuelling of hydrogen in the field of road vehicles and railways is available for download here.
The National Hydrogen Council (NWR – Der Nationale Wasserstoffrat)
With the adoption of the National Hydrogen Strategy, the German government established the National Hydrogen Council on 10 June 2020. The Council consists of 26 high-level experts from business, science and civil society who are not part of the public administration. The members of the Hydrogen Council have expertise in the areas of production, research and innovation, decarbonisation of industry, transport and building/heating, infrastructure, international partnerships, as well as climate and sustainability. The National Hydrogen Council is chaired by Katherina Reiche, CEO of Westenergie AG and former Parliamentary State Secretary.
The task of the National Hydrogen Council is to advise and support the State Secretary’s Committee for Hydrogen (Staatssekretärsausschuss für Wasserstoff) with proposals and recommendations for action in the implementation and further development of the Hydrogen Strategy.
All National Hydrogen Council publications are available for download here.