
Nina Posdziech
Team Leader Press & Publications
Dr. Susanne Kuhri
Teamleiterin Wissensmanagement, Koordination AGs & Inkubation
German companies can now express their interest in participating in the Hydrogen IPCEI and submit project outlines up to 19 February 2021.
Implemented by the European Commission (COM) in 2018, the Strategic Forum on Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI) identified hydrogen technologies and systems as one of six strategic value chains that can contribute to the strengthening the competitiveness of the European economy, to maintaining its technological leadership and to ensuring security of supply.
As a joint investment effort from cooperating European companies and accompanied by state funding, IPCEIs provide important impetus within the European internal market. The Hydrogen IPCEI aims to support integrated projects along the entire value chain. This includes investments in the generation of green hydrogen, in hydrogen infrastructure and the use of hydrogen in industry and for mobility.
As of now German companies can express their interest in participating in the Hydrogen IPCEI and submit project outlines until 19 February 2021 via the BMWi website.
The Hydrogen IPCEI will be jointly implemented by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI), the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) as well as the federal states.
The BMVI bears the budgetary responsibility for projects in the field of transport and mobility on the federal level. Projects from the following thematic areas can be implemented:
- Development and production of fuel cell systems for vehicle drives
- Development and production of light and heavy trucks/commercial vehicles, buses, freight and passenger trains, cars in fleet applications, aviation and shipping with hydrogen-based propulsion
- Construction of filling stations and refuelling infrastructure
“We are looking forward to the investment projects that will be submitted”, says Elena Hof, Programme and Team Leader of the National Innovation Programme for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology at NOW GmbH. “IPCEI funding means that major cross-border projects can be implemented in the field of hydrogen and fuel cell technology – an important building block for the ramp-up of a hydrogen economy.”
More information can be found on the site of the BMWi.
Upload your project outlines directly here.
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