How can we strengthen municipalities in the development of needs-based mobility solutions? The network discussed this and other issues face-to-face for the first time since its establishment.
Hamburg, 26 October 2022. The German federal government, the federal states and the key municipal associations are facing up to the challenges of the mobility and transport transition, especially in rural areas, in the Inter-State Mobility Network (Länderübergreifendes Mobilitätsnetzwerk). The common goal: to strengthen municipalities in the development of needs-based mobility solutions. Two years after the network was founded, the first meeting has now taken place in a face-to-face format.
On 25 and 26 October, the Inter-State Mobility Network met in Hamburg. The participants dealt with topics such as the implementation of mobility management, network and funding management in working groups, over the course of the year. During discussion rounds, the topics included “Relevant players with cooperation potential in the urban-rural fabric” (“Relevante Akteure mit Kooperationspotenzial im Stadt-Land-Gefüge”), “Support needs in the municipalities for the implementation of the transport transition” (“Unterstützungsbedarfe in den Kommunen bei der Umsetzung der Verkehrswende”) and “Active mobility” (“Aktive Mobilität”). The results of the working groups and discussion rounds were compiled at the network meeting and new ideas for the further work of the network were developed.
About the Inter-State Mobility Network
At the beginning of 2021, the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Home Affairs (BMI – Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat) commissioned NOW GmbH to set up an office to establish a inter-state network to improve mobility in rural areas. From 2021 onwards, responsibility changed from the BMI to the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB – Bundesministerium für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bauwesen). NOW coordinates the network and makes the results available to the members. The Competence Centre for Rural Mobility (KoLMo – Kompetenzzentrum für Ländliche Mobilität) at the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR – Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung) contributes content-related expertise. The Inter-State Mobility Network works closely with the National Competence Network for Sustainable Mobility (NaKoMo – Nationales Kompetenznetzwerk für nachhaltige Mobilität) of the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport (BMDV – Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr). It is funded by the “Region gestalten” programme.
To learn more about the network (in German), please visit
Image: Moin, Hamburg! The network meeting is supported by the Hamburg colleagues in the network, Hannah Dreger from the Hamburg Authority for Mobility Change (“Behörde für Mobilitätswende”) and Christina Röll from the Hamburg Transport Association (“Hamburger Verkehrsverbund”, HVV). Many thanks!