The research project aims to equip a hydrogen refuelling station with an innovative PEM hydrogen electrolysis system and test the plant in operation over a one to two-year period.
In order to effectively demonstrate how surplus fluctuating wind or solar energy can be used to produce hydrogen as a fuel for vehicles, the plant is to possess a capacity of 100 to 300 kW and should be operated using renewable energy with load profiles.
This project represents an amendment for a refuelling station yet to be established by Air Liquide. The chosen hydrogen refuelling station is to be expanded within the scope of the already proposed project, enabling the required hydrogen to be supplied dynamically through the Siemens PEM electrolyser.
Siemens will be responsible for the installation of the electrolysis plant and putting it into operation, along with the associated technical/scientific support as well as for the plant’s service and maintenance needs.
Funding Code