Entitled “Urban-rural transport - mobility between urban and rural areas”, the second annual conference of the National Competence Network for Sustainable Mobility (NaKoMo) takes place on 18 November 2020. The goal of the network is to connect municipalities, federal and state governments with each other, along with other relevant experts and stakeholders. This will further support municipalities in implementing the switch to sustainable mobility.
The NaKoMo was established in April 2019 by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, Saarland, representing the federal states, as well as the Association of German cities.
At the digital conference, the Network is focussing on the intersection of urban and rural spaces. More than 30 speakers will talk about how reliable and modern structures can be created in the passage between city and country – also and especially in times of a pandemic. Topics include: Municipal mobility of the future, Mobility management, Cycling traffic, Connections between urban and rural areas, Park & ride/Sharing concepts.
In the second part of the conference, the Alliance for Modern Mobility will discuss the results of last year’s cooperation in a podium discussion.
Further information about NaKoMo can be found here: NaKoMo Image brochure (PDF)