The regional project headquarters took on the coordination of the activities of all regional players who were directly or indirectly involved as partners in the model region’s projects. The project headquarters’ declared aim is to provide long-term support to players in the field of electromobility.

Coordinating the entire project’s programme in the model region is done in close consultation with NOW GmbH. This includes the overarching management of all of the region’s projects and also coordination with the federal states, districts and local authorities. An advisory council was appointed as the model region’s central body, on which representatives from politics, research and business oversee activities.

The project leaders and consortium heads of the model region’s projects also came together at regular intervals in the so-called »Project Leader Group« to discuss top-level issues of coordination, to coordinate platform activities and to establish interfaces between the individual projects.

The overarching management of press and publicity work (trade shows, information materials, events, etc.) is also a role performed by the project headquarters. This ensures a continual flow of information and that all individual projects have a uniform outward image.

Assisting the project partners with the project application – especially during the model region’s initial phase – was also a key task of the project headquarters. The project headquarters’ staff are also points of contact for other development projects in the field of electromobility.

Funding Code