Annual SGEC Steering Committee meeting takes place in hybrid format in Berlin and Beijing.
Representatives of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV – Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr) and China’s Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) met on 11 December 2024 for a hybrid steering committee meeting of the SGEC (Sino-German Electro-Mobility Innovation and Support Center) in Berlin and Beijing. At the meeting, the participants exchanged views on current technological, regulatory and political developments as well as the framework conditions for battery and fuel cell electric mobility. They also evaluated the activities of the past year and adopted the work plan for the coming year. This year’s meeting was coordinated by NOW GmbH on the German side.
Since 2018, the BMDV and MoST have been regularly exchanging information with the SGEC on current developments and framework conditions for battery and fuel cell electric mobility in Germany and China. The common goal is to further advance the market ramp-up of electric mobility through international exchange between Germany and China.
If you would like to learn more about upcoming SGEC cooperation formats, such as bilateral webinars between China and Germany on battery and fuel cell electric mobility, then sign up here for the free newsletter from NOW GmbH.
Image credits: NOW GmbH