13.04.2018, Berlin – Around the world, environmental technology and resource efficiency are drivers of sustainable development. Germany as a leading technology and industry location has recognised the opportunities for growth arising therefrom. In 2016, the GreenTech sector’s share of gross domestic product was 15 per cent and this figure is forecast to rise to 19 per cent by 2025. This is shown by the GreenTech Atlas 2018 of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, which is being presented in Berlin today as part of the “Environmental Protection – Made in Germany. GreenTech for Sustainable Development” (“Umweltschutz – Made in Germany. GreenTech für Nachhaltige Entwicklung”) conference.
Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze: “GreenTech from Germany is increasingly becoming the driver of modernisation in our economy. Environmental innovations will make an ever greater contribution to German companies’ ability to create new jobs and endure in the global markets of the future”.
The GreenTech Atlas 2018 documents an upturn in “green” products and services. The global market volume in 2016 amounted to 3,200 billion euros. It is expected to increase by 6.9 per cent annually to over 5,900 billion euros by 2025. German companies are in an excellent position here: overall, German suppliers have a 14 per cent share of the global market for environmental technology and resource efficiency.