Dr. Volker Wissing, Federal Minister of Digital and Transport, and Dr. Robert Habeck, Federal Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, today jointly visited the National Centre for Charging Infrastructure.
The visit, hosted by Federal Minister of Transport Dr. Volker Wissing, focused both on the work and digital TOOLs of the National Centre for Charging Infrastructure and on the establishment of the Interministerial Steering Group on Charging Infrastructure (ISLa – Interministerielle Steuerungsgruppe Ladeinfrastruktur). The main task of the ISLa is to coordinate the implementation of the measures from the Master Plan Charging Infrastructure II for the accelerated development of a nationwide, demand-oriented and user-friendly charging infrastructure across all ministries. This includes the increasingly important interlinking of the charging and electricity networks, which the ministers aim to shape and further improve together with the Interministerial Steering Group. The goal is to improve the synchronisation of the expansion of both networks.
The BMDV and BMWK are taking over joint management of the ISLa. The National Centre for Charging Infrastructure will provide support in terms of content and organisation. The BMDV is currently reaching agreement with the BMWK and other relevant stakeholders such as the federal states, municipalities, associations and companies on the new Master Plan, which will set out the federal government’s joint roadmap for the expansion of the charging infrastructure and is to be adopted by the federal cabinet in autumn.
Dr. Volker Wissing, Federal Minister of Digital and Transport: “Charging infrastructure and electricity grid expansion must finally be thought of collectively. That is why we have today established a joint steering group that will bring together all stakeholders around the table for the new Charging Infrastructure Master Plan. The goal is to remove hurdles in the short term, accelerate implementation processes and thus position our electricity and transport networks well for the future. Because one thing is clear: We will only be able to quickly set up a nationwide, user-friendly charging infrastructure that meets demand if we work together.”
Dr. Robert Habeck, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection: “Charging infrastructure must not become a bottleneck for the ramp-up of electric mobility. It is particularly important to me that the new Interministerial Steering Group on Charging Infrastructure focuses on the integration of charging infrastructure and the electricity system. Our goal is to use renewable energies more effectively – for example, e-cars can be charged cheaply through the solar panels on one’s own roof or on an apartment building. We need intelligent charging solutions like this to successfully drive the energy transition in the area of mobility.”
Under the umbrella of the federally owned NOW GmbH, the National Centre for Charging Infrastructure plans, supports and accompanies the activities for the expansion of the charging infrastructure in Germany on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport.
Links to the website, TOOLs and data products of the National Centre for Charging Infrastructure: