The Passenger Transport Act (PBefG – Personenbeförderungsgesetz), which was amended nine years ago, attaches great importance to accessibility in public transport. As early as 1 January 2022, it provided for the possibility of completely barrier-free use of public transport. Many municipalities have not yet been able to implement this requirement. In the second NaKoMo lecture on accessibility, we want to focus on an example of good practice that can also provide orientation for other municipalities and regions on how accessibility in public transport can be realised.

In this NaKoMo lecture, Kerstin Hammer, project coordinator of “ÖPNV/ SPNV für alle” (Public Transport for All), will speak. The aim of the project, which was awarded the Federal Participation Prize (Bundesteilhabepreis), is to make public transport accessible to all people, both in the cities and in the rural regions of Saxony. Under the project sponsorship of the Landesverband Selbsthilfe Körperbehinderter Sachsen e.V. (Saxony Association of Self-Help for the Physically Disabled), transport companies and municipalities are accompanied as project partners. Concrete implementation goals are, for example, barrier-free access to stops, barrier-free transfers, or ensuring the safe transport of persons with reduced mobility.

We look forward to exchanging ideas with you!

NaKoMo lecture: “Realising barrier-free mobility in public transport and regional passenger transport” (“Barrierefreie Mobilität in ÖPNV und SPNV verwirklichen”) (in German)

on 3 November 2022, 10:00 – 10:45 am | Online (WebEx)


As part of the NaKoMo lectures, we provide information on current topics relating to sustainable mobility and discuss existing challenges and innovative approaches to solutions in this field together with participants from the federal government, federal states, state networks, municipalities and municipal companies.


The registration form is closed. We are happy to accept registrations for the lecture at at short notice.

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