The project’s objective is to install a highly effi cient and secure power supply centre for the new Giessen University Clinic building, appropriately adapted to the energy requirements of consumeroriented production of electricity, heat and refrigeration. The facility will be connected to the city’s local heat and refrigeration networks.

Because of this connection and the facility’s technology, an unprecedented level of natural gas energy effi ciency (the primary energy source) should be achieved. The technological concept behind the highly effi cient power supply centre of Giessen University clinic foresees several installations for the generation of electricity, heat and refrigeration. A fuel cell system, three gas engines, two absorption refrigerating machines, two exhaust gas heat exchangers, two refrigerator compressor machines and an oil-fi red boiler will be installed.

The planned project is an important factor in proving that fuel cell-based Hot-Module small power systems are suitable for use in a highly effi cient power supply centre and can play a key role in the modern conception of building energy management.

Funding Code