The National Centre for Charging Infrastructure has comprehensively updated its key publications. From now on, the calculation method for the installed charging capacity will be adapted in the analyses of existing inventory as well as in the demand assessment. That means that the Centre’s inventory and analysis data are now fully consistent with the AFIR target.
- The new Factsheet: ‘Installed charging capacity’ presents the different calculation methods of installed charging capacity in a transparent manner and serves as a basis for a conceptual differentiation.
- The regularly* published latest edition of the Report on inventory and development of publicly accessible charging infrastructure in Germany (ö-LIS report) has been adapted and the installed capacity will be stated here on the basis of charging stations in future.
- In the new edition of the study entitled: ‘Charging infrastructure after 2025/2030: scenarios for market ramp-up’, the calculation method was also adapted to the charging station-based installed charging capacity. This ensures that the infrastructure and the required demand can be compared with each other. The methodology of the study as well as the central statements remain unaffected by this adjustment.
*The latest ö-LIS report can normally be found at the following link: