From the NaKoMo Alternative Drives and Fuels workshop series
In January 2021, the German federal cabinet adopted the draft law to implement the revised EU directive on the promotion of clean and energy-efficient road vehicles (Clean Vehicles Directive, CVD). The draft law, which is currently in the parliamentary legislative process, will for the first time set binding minimum targets for low-emission and zero-emission passenger cars as well as light and heavy-duty commercial vehicles, especially for buses in public transport, for public procurement. The new requirements will apply from 2 August 2021 and oblige the public sector to ensure that a proportion of the vehicles purchased must be low or zero emission in the future. Individual services provided by private companies, e.g. in the area of postal and parcel services as well as waste collection, can also fall under the scope of the CVD if the transport services are awarded as part of a tender by a public contracting authority.
But what exactly are the minimum targets and to whom do they apply? What are the implications of the CVD for individual municipalities and municipal enterprises? These and other questions will be discussed during a workshop:
21.04.2021 / 09.00am – 12.45pm / online
In this workshop, we will present the requirements of the European Clean Vehicles Directive and how they are to be implemented in Germany. In addition, there will be best-practice examples for the procurement and use of clean vehicles at the municipal level. Afterwards, we would like to enter into a professional dialogue with you: What is the state of market penetration of vehicles with alternative drives and fuels in Germany? What needs to be taken into account when awarding contracts in this area?
Take the opportunity to get first-hand information, ask questions and network. We look forward to engaging in discussions with you!
Download programme (PDF, in German)
As part of the NaKoMo “Alternative Drives and Fuels” workshop series, participants from municipalities, municipal companies, the federal states, state networks and the federal government will work together to identify challenges and develop innovative solutions for this topic area. The workshops are intended to create a platform for the exchange of stakeholders at the municipal level and to show best practice examples.
The registration is closed.