28.06.2015 – 29.06.2015



Conference of the Federal Ministry for Transport for the target groups: municipalities, transport authorities and fleet operators.

The city of Offenbach in central Germany was where the “On-site Electromobility” (Elektromobilität vor Ort) specialist conference was held 27-28 January 2015. The event was organised by the Federal Ministry for Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI – Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur), which also reported on its funding projects and in particular the accompanying research of the Electromobility Model Regions programme, at the conference. Since 2006, the BMVI has been supporting the establishment of electromobility with fuel cells and since 2009 the expansion of electromobility with batteries. Electromobility – with batteries and fuel cells – is necessary in order to reduce CO2 emissions in the transport sector and reach the set climate targets.

As part of the conference, specific recommendations for action were presented and discussed on a defined range of key issues: How can electric vehicles by successfully integrated in municipal and commercial fleets? What is required to establish innovative drives in local public transport? What role can electromobility play in urban commercial transportation – and what are the consequences for the development of a public recharging infrastructure associated with this in the municipalities?

Conference programme in German only (PDF)

Content and results of the conference

Electromobility Starter Set
The “Electromobility Starter Set” (Starterset Elektromobilität) online platform was especially introduced by the BMVI for municipalities wishing to expand electromobility. The starter set assists to make the entry into the area of electromobility easier and better. In incorporates practical recommendations for action for the municipalities and provides other useful tips such as process overviews for establishing electromobility in local public transport services or developing a recharging infrastructure along with an online catalogue of measures for the expansion of local electromobility measures in the municipalities. New results and experiences from the projects and accompanying research of the Electromobility Model Regions and beyond are constantly being added to the starter set. www.starterset-elektromobilität.de (in German only)

Electric vehicles and innovative drives in road-based transportation
The results of the accompanying research on innovative drives of passenger vehicles and commercial vehicles show that the environmental effects of the manufacturing process of battery-electric vehicles in comparison to conventional vehicles with combustion engines are being vigorously observed. The battery system is hereby the key component. If compared with the rest of the vehicle, high-tech base materials are used much more intensively in the battery system and is therefore associated with a comparably high environmental impact during manufacture. On the other hand, this negative impact during the manufacturing process is compensated for through the lower environmental effects occurring during the lifetime of use. Moreover, using power from renewable energies for recharging results in a significant impact on the long-term climate balance in comparison to conventional vehicles.
Further information (in German) can be found in the current interim report of the passenger and commercial vehicle working group: “Bewertung der Praxistauglichkeit und Umweltwirkungen von Elektrofahrzeugen” (PDF, 3.2MB).

In the field of innovative drives in local public transport, the Federal Ministry for Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB – Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit) are working together in a joint working group to bundle the findings of all projects on electric drives being undertaken in Germany. The joint assessments show, among other things, that hybrid buses deployed have saved around 14 percent in fuel compared with conventional diesel buses.
Together, all diesel hybrid buses that the working group took into account during the collection of data have been able to save around 1,000 tons of CO2 emissions. Detailed results from the working group are available in the current status report (in German only): “Hybrid- und Elektrobus-Projekte in Deutschland” (PDF, 2.4MB).

Recharging infrastructure
In the area of recharging infrastructure, a guideline incorporating detailed process steps for the standardised installation of recharging points was presented at the “On-site Electromobility” specialist conference. The guideline provides an overview of the myriad laws, standards and technical requirements that must be adhered to.
The complete guidelines (in German) may be downloaded via the following link:
“Prozessschritte zur normgerechten Errichtung von Ladesäulen/Wallboxen” (PDF, 1.1MB)

Electromobility in commercial transportation and municipal implementation
Significant potential for electromobility can be seen in the area of commercial transportation: supply chains can be newly conceived with the implementation of electric vehicles, electric cargo bikes are experiencing a boom, and delivery times can be smoothed out. Further results are available here (in German): “Elektromobilität im städtischen Wirtschaftsverkehr” (PDF, 3MB).

In order to illustrate the scope of actions by municipalities for the expansion of electromobility, a toolbox of measures that individual municipalities have implemented within their local urban and transport development plans was created as part of the accompanying research of the Electromobility Model Regions: from procurement strategies and the allocation of recharging zones and parking statutes to completely integrated strategies. More information (in German) can be found here: “Elektromobilität in kommunalen Umsetzung” (PDF, 2.7MB).

Background information: the BMVI Electromobility Model Regions
The BMVI currently supports more than 200 individual projects in several regions throughout Germany under the mantle of the Electromobility Showcases and Model Regions. Complementing the Showcases funded by the federal government, the BMVI Electromobility Model Regions have a regional focus, especially in respect to the involvement of the corresponding municipalities. In individual projects – adapted to take the various local conditions and demands into account – e-mobile applications are tested on how they can be implemented in the public domain and which measures are necessary in terms of spatial and urban development as well as transport policy.

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