E-bikes, e-scooters, Segways and hoverboards – so-called micromobile mini and light vehicles have to date occupied only a fraction of public space. And yet the rapid growth of rental systems and the repeatedly criticised disorderly or space-consuming parking leads to land-use conflicts. Municipalities react to this challenge for the distribution of public space in different ways. For example, with limited parking areas or even with prohibition zones. Can these solutions solve all the problems? What are the local experiences so far?
How micromobility can find its place in public areas is something we want to discuss with you in our workshop:
NaKoMo-Workshop: Micromobility finds its place
from the NaKoMo workshop series Redistribution of Public Space
Date: 29.09.2022
Time: 09:00 am – 12:15 pm
Event type: Online
In this workshop from the “Redistribution of Public Space” series, scope for action for the municipal handling of controversial modes of transport will be shown and discussed using examples from practice. Participants will have the opportunity to actively deal with the topic themselves, to ask questions and to jointly develop new proposals for solutions, in the workshop rooms.
The registration is closed.