The 19th International Digital Conference on Renewable Mobility “Fuels of the Future” will take place from 24 to 28 January 2022. The motto of this year’s congress will be: “Fuels of the Future 2022 – Navigator for Sustainable Mobility!"
The congress is the flagship event of the European biofuel industry. The aim of the international congress is to provide participants with an update on the various legislative initiatives and to discuss corresponding recommendations for action, to present current market developments and showcase projects for renewable mobility, and to provide ample scope to allow for the exchange of experiences.
At 11.30 a.m. on 25 January 2022, participants can look forward to a presentation by Elena Hof, program and team leader Nationales Innovationsprogramm Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellentechnologie (NIP), on the German government’s hydrogen strategy and applications in the transport sector.
Event organisers include: The German Bioenergy Association (BBE – Bundesverband Bioenergie e. V.), the Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants (ufop – Union zur Förderung von Oel- und Proteinpflanzen e. V.), the German Bioethanol Industry Association (BDBe – Bundesverband der deutschen Bioethanolwirtschaft e. V.), the Association of the German Biofuel Industry (VDB – Verband der Deutschen Biokraftstoffindustrie e. V.), and the German Biogas Association (Fachverband Biogas e. V.). NOW GmbH is supporting the event as a silver partner.
Registration and further information is available at: