The 16th Ulm Electrochemical Talks (UECT) will take place on 13 and 14 November 2018 in Ulm. The talks will focus on eco-effectiveness in the production, use and recycling of batteries and fuel cells. Under the heading “Batteries & Fuel Cells - From Raw Material to Recycling”, leading national and international experts from the field of electrochemical energy storage will discuss the use of materials and the recycling of batteries and fuel cells in Ulm.

Driven by the rapidly growing number of electric vehicles on the market, the demand for lithium-ion batteries is anticipated to rise from 100 GWh today to at least 400 GWh within the next seven years. The resulting demand for raw materials, efficient recycling technologies and new production methods will therefore also rise significantly. At the same time, an increasing number of fuel cell vehicles are coming onto the market and offer interesting advantages over battery electric drives. Besides their long range and short refuelling times, these vehicles also require less critical raw materials for the production of fuel cells.

The conference aims to compare the technologies in terms of their eco-efficiency. Critical raw materials for battery and fuel cell production as well as possible recycling processes will be considered from cradle to the cradle.

Further information on the conference can be found at:

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